LabourStart: Support the current campaigns!

The online campaign platform of the international trade union movement currently has several campaigns running. Below is the latest message we received from LabourStart. It contains all the important information and links! The campaigns work, even if it seems like it only takes a few clicks to get involved. So we ask you to take a few minutes and sign and, if possible, share the five campaigns currently running.

Here is the message:

It's August.  For many of us, that means time off from work.  Maybe a family vacation.

But for many workers, it's a difficult time.  For the European steel industry, for example, it's a time of real crisis, with many thousands of jobs at risk.

The fight for justice and workers rights doesn't take a summer break.

That's why I'm writing to ask you to take a few minutes and do what you can to help.

And my message to you is a simple one:

Listen.  Act.  Share.  Repeat.

We're currently running five live campaigns on LabourStart and we've started interviewing people who can speak as experts about the struggles we're focussing on.

This week, I spoke with Judith Kirton-Darling, general secretary of IndustriAll Europe, about the crisis in the steel sector and specifically at Liberty Steel.  Judith talked about the background to the crisis, but also about workers fighting back.  The morning we talked, she told me, workers launched an emergency strike at Liberty Steel's Hungarian plant. Listen to her and you'll understand the importance of this fight -- for all workers.

Click here to listen to the interview.

Then - click here to show your support to the workers.  

They have requested solidarity messages and those messages mean a lot to them.  It will take you just a few seconds to add your name.

And a few days ago, I had the chance to speak with Srđan from Radnicki Glas (Workers Voice) in Serbia.  We talked about the extraordinary struggle of workers at Yura, a South Korean owned company that employs thousands of workers in Serbia as part of the global supply chain for auto manufacturers.  Those workers showed real heroism as they took on a company that seems intent on breaking their union.  

Click here to listen to the interview.

Then - click here to send your message of protest to the company.

And now the really important bit: 

Spread the word about these two campaigns.  

  • Share the links on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Mastodon, and Instagram.  
  • Email those links to your friends, family and fellow union members.

Let's grow these campaigns and force these employers to treat their workers with dignity and respect.

Listen.  Act.  Share.  Repeat.

I know that I can count on you.  Thanks!

Eric Lee


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