Solidarity with the workers who make the clothing you wear!

LabourStart hat eine neue Kampage zur Unterstützung von Textilarbeiter*innen im indischen Bundesstaat Tamil Nadu gestartet! Es geht um die lange überfällige und durch Politik und Wirtschaftsbosse verschleppte Erhöhung des Mindestlohns. Bitte unterstützt die Kampagne (siehe Link unten) zahlreich und teilt sie in eurem Netzwerk!

You may never have heard of Tiruppur, a city in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.  But there's a good chance that some of the clothing you own may have been made there.  In fact, most of the textile exports from India come from Tiruppur.

There are some 600,000 garment workers in the area and they're involved in a major struggle to raise the minimum wage, which is extremely low.

The state government is required under law to revise the minimum wage every five years, but has waited ten years to do so.  Forced to do so by a ruling from the Supreme Court of India, in May this year they found ways to reduce the minimum.  These including allowing employers to categorise themselves as being manufacturers of "hosiery and knitwear" and pay even lower rates.

A coalition of Indian trade unions has taken up the fight and joined together for a campaign on LabourStart demanding that the state government of Tamil Nadu raise the minimum wage now.

They urgently need international support to show the state government that the world, which buys so much that is made in Tiruppur, is aware of what is going on, and that we demand justice for the workers there.

Please take a moment to show your solidarity -- click here.

And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you!

Eric Lee


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